Flight Disruption

Whether it’s for denied boarding, diverted flights, mishandled baggage, missed connections or goodwill gestures, we help you compensate passengers instantly. With mobile-first payments or physical pre-paid cards, passengers stay satisfied and you stay compliant.

Global compensation payments for all disruption events

Compensate passengers instantly at the point of disruption with mobile-first payments or pre-loaded physical cards. Valid for up to 6 months, with values of up to £10k, depending on your regulations, cards can be reloaded virtually and redeemed globally.

Denied Boarding
Mishandled Baggage
Diverted Flights
Voluntary/Involuntary Offloads
Missed Flights/ Connections
Goodwill Gestures
Booking Problems
Hotel/Transport Issues

Enhance passenger experiences and stay compliant


Be prepared for any disruption event

Issue virtual or physical card payments for all IROPs types, with different pre-set rules and regulations in platform for speed and efficiency.


Empower passenger choice

Passengers can redeem at all major retailers, online and offline, even via ATMs. You set the rules and restrictions.


Reload virtually

Easily top up payments for up to 6 months with virtual card loading and passenger notifications. Passengers can manage their cards via a mobile app.
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Future-Proof Flight Disruption

Built with airlines, for airlines, our intelligent platform streamlines issuing, tracking and reconciling flight disruption payments.


You set the rules

Pre-set payment rules by your airline on compensation amounts by disruption type, and where passengers can redeem it.


Real-time reporting

Say goodbye to invoice processing, messy reconciliations and fraud. Access reconciled and automated data for regulatory bodies with tailored customer insights

Transform airline disruption payments

Save time, money and stress with instant, mobile-first payments that your passengers and staff can redeem anywhere.

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